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20+ LINQ Concepts with .Net Code

LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is one of the most powerful features in .NET, providing a unified syntax to query collections, databases, XML, and other data sources. Below are 20+ important LINQ concepts, their explanations, and code snippets to help you understand their usage.

1. Where (Filtering)

The Where() method is used to filter a collection based on a given condition.

var numbers = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
var evenNumbers = numbers.Where(n => n % 2 == 0).ToList();
// Output: [2, 4, 6]

2. Select (Projection)

The Select() method projects each element of a sequence into a new form, allowing transformation of data.

var employees = new List<Employee> { /* ... */ };
var employeeNames = employees.Select(e => e.Name).ToList();
// Output: List of employee names

3. OrderBy (Sorting in Ascending Order)

The OrderBy() method sorts the elements of a sequence in ascending order.

var employees = new List<Employee> { /* ... */ };
var sortedEmployees = employees.OrderBy(e => e.Name).ToList();
// Output: Employees sorted by Name in ascending order

4. OrderByDescending (Sorting in Descending Order)

OrderByDescending() sorts the elements of a sequence in descending order.

var sortedEmployeesBySalary = employees.OrderByDescending(e => e.Salary).ToList();
// Output: Employees sorted by Salary in descending order

5. First (Get First Element)

First() returns the first element of a collection that satisfies a condition or throws an exception if none are found.

var firstEmployee = employees.First(e => e.Salary > 50000);
// Output: First employee with Salary > 50000

6. FirstOrDefault (First or Default Value)

FirstOrDefault() returns the first element or a default value (null or default of type) if none match the condition.

var employee = employees.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Salary > 100000);
// Output: First employee with Salary > 100000, or null if none found

7. Single (Return Exactly One Element)

Single() returns the only element that satisfies a condition and throws an exception if more than one or no elements are found.

var singleEmployee = employees.Single(e => e.Id == 1);
// Output: Employee with Id 1

8. SingleOrDefault (Single or Default Value)

SingleOrDefault() returns the only element that satisfies a condition, or a default value if no elements match.

var singleEmployeeOrNull = employees.SingleOrDefault(e => e.Id == 100);
// Output: Employee with Id 100, or null if none found

9. Take (Take First N Elements)

Take() returns the first n elements from a collection.

var topThreeEmployees = employees.Take(3).ToList();
// Output: First 3 employees from the list

10. Skip (Skip First N Elements)

Skip() skips the first n elements and returns the remaining elements.

var remainingEmployees = employees.Skip(2).ToList();
// Output: Employees after skipping the first 2

11. Distinct (Remove Duplicates)

Distinct() removes duplicate elements from a collection.

var uniqueDepartments = employees.Select(e => e.Department).Distinct().ToList();
// Output: List of unique departments

12. GroupBy (Grouping Data)

GroupBy() groups elements of a collection by a specified key.

var employeesByDepartment = employees.GroupBy(e => e.Department)
                                     .Select(g => new { Department = g.Key, Employees = g.ToList() })
// Output: Groups employees by their department

13. Join (Inner Join)

Join() is used to combine two collections based on a common key, similar to an SQL inner join.

var employeesWithDepartments = from e in employees
                               join d in departments on e.DepartmentId equals d.Id
                               select new { e.Name, d.Name };
// Output: List of employees with their respective departments

14. GroupJoin (Left Outer Join)

GroupJoin() performs a left outer join between two collections, combining each element from the first collection with a group of matching elements from the second collection.

var departmentsWithEmployees = departments.GroupJoin(employees,
    d => d.Id,
    e => e.DepartmentId,
    (d, empGroup) => new { Department = d.Name, Employees = empGroup.ToList() });
// Output: List of departments with employees in each

15. Any (Check if Any Element Matches Condition)

Any() returns true if any elements in a collection satisfy a condition.

bool hasHighEarners = employees.Any(e => e.Salary > 100000);
// Output: True if any employee has a salary greater than 100000

16. All (Check if All Elements Match Condition)

All() returns true if all elements in a collection satisfy a condition.

bool allHaveHighSalary = employees.All(e => e.Salary > 30000);
// Output: True if all employees have a salary greater than 30000

17. Count (Count Elements in a Collection)

Count() returns the total number of elements or the number of elements matching a condition.

int totalEmployees = employees.Count();
int highSalaryCount = employees.Count(e => e.Salary > 50000);
// Output: Total employees and employees with salary > 50000

18. Max (Maximum Value)

Max() returns the maximum value from a collection.

var maxSalary = employees.Max(e => e.Salary);
// Output: Maximum salary in the employee list

19. Min (Minimum Value)

Min() returns the minimum value from a collection.

var minSalary = employees.Min(e => e.Salary);
// Output: Minimum salary in the employee list

20. Sum (Sum of Values)

Sum() computes the sum of values in a collection.

var totalSalary = employees.Sum(e => e.Salary);
// Output: Total sum of salaries

21. Average (Average Value)

Average() computes the average value of a sequence.

var averageSalary = employees.Average(e => e.Salary);
// Output: Average salary in the employee list

22. Zip (Combining Two Sequences)

Zip() applies a specified function to the corresponding elements of two sequences.

var list1 = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 };
var list2 = new List<int> { 4, 5, 6 };
var result = list1.Zip(list2, (a, b) => a + b).ToList();
// Output: [5, 7, 9] (sum of corresponding elements)

23. SelectMany (Flattening Collections)

SelectMany() flattens a collection of collections into a single collection.

var departments = new List<Department> { /*...*/ };
var allEmployees = departments.SelectMany(d => d.Employees).ToList();
// Output: A flat list of all employees from all departments

24. Aggregate (Custom Accumulation Operation)

Aggregate() applies an accumulator function over a sequence.

var numbers = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
var product = numbers.Aggregate((total, next) => total * next);
// Output: Product of all numbers (1 * 2 * 3 * 4 = 24)

25. Union (Combine and Remove Duplicates)

Union() combines two collections and removes duplicates.

var list1 = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 };
var list2 = new List<int> { 3, 4, 5 };
var unionList = list1.Union(list2).ToList();
// Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

26. Intersect (Common Elements)

Intersect() returns elements that are present in both collections.

var commonElements = list1.Intersect(list2).ToList();
// Output: [3] (common elements in both lists)

27. Except (Difference between Two Collections)

Except() returns elements from the first collection that are not in the second collection.

var difference = list1.Except(list2).ToList();
// Output: [1, 2] (elements in list1 but not in list2)


LINQ is an essential feature in .NET that greatly simplifies data querying across various data sources. It promotes cleaner, more readable code, and helps with both in-memory and database


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